Over 250 Million Individuals
Over 115 Million Households
Over 57 Million Homeowners
Our consumer mailing lists are derived from a compilation process including consumer white pages enhanced by thousand of public sources and data licensed from strategic partners including auto registration, driver’s license, consumer credit reporting, tax assessors records, public deed information, postal records, census information, product registrations, surveys, door to door canvassing, credit reports, public record information, and state licensing records to name a few.
Includes over 250 selection categories including: presence of children, credit card usage & type, child age, ethnicity, homeowner status, renter status, income, income producing assets and net worth, length of residence, mail responders, mail buyers, donors, age, religion, telephone numbers, gender, marital status and many more.
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Absolute Lists Marketing Group offers the highest quality, targeted mailing lists and telemarketing lists on the market today! Whether you require consumer mailing lists or business mailing lists, we can help. We also specialize in student lists, association lists, email lists and appends, bankruptcy mailing lists, auto owners by make/model/year, new homeowners mailing lists and medical mailing lists.
Mailing Lists | Residential Mailing Lists | Telemarketing List | Address Labels List | Auto Owners List
New Movers Mailing List |Auto Owner Mailing List | Medical Mailing List | New Homeowners Mailing List
Ethnic Mailing List | Surname Mailing List | Business to Business Mailing Lists | New Movers Mailing List
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4240 Portsmouth Blvd., #232, Chesapeake, VA 23321
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